Located east of Phra That Na Dun, the institute makes research on conserving, improving, and distributing flora of the region. It has bamboo terrain, herbal garden, Isan Cart Museum, and Isan traditional house museum that features different kinds of house in Isan such as Phu Thai house, Isan fishery house, Isan musician house, animal traps house, doctor house, and weaver’s house.
Thailand is in the Southeast of Asia, with Laos and Cambodia to the east and the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysianextto Burma (Myanmar) on its west. The capital is Bangkok, the country's official language is Thai. In touristic resorts people also speak the English language. The history of Thailand is estimated to be dating 10,000 years, up to the paleolithic era. Visitors will encounter super-rich archaeological sites of cultural heritage. The temples of worship of Buddha abound in the region, contributing to the exotic environment of the place. Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that avoided colonization, thus preserving the history and cultural heritage. The ancient monuments, temples and deserted cities all attest to the magnificent past of Thailand, a wonderful destination for your holidays. The historical treasures match with the wonderful nature. Thailand has many picturesque islands and beaches as well as 90 national parks and an amazing wildlife. The Thais are renowned for their friendliness and smile .
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Walai Rukavej Research Institute
Located east of Phra That Na Dun, the institute makes research on conserving, improving, and distributing flora of the region. It has bamboo terrain, herbal garden, Isan Cart Museum, and Isan traditional house museum that features different kinds of house in Isan such as Phu Thai house, Isan fishery house, Isan musician house, animal traps house, doctor house, and weaver’s house.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hat Wangko
beach on the bank of Chi River is situated in Ban Tha Duea, Tambon Nong Bon. Tourist can get there via Kosum Phisai-Tha Phra-Khon Kaen Road. With clear and shallow water, the beach is a good place for relaxing. Facilities available on the beach include, beach beds, speed boat, banana boat, jet ski, donut ski, life vest and etc.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Ku Mahathat
The Khmer ruins is located in Ban Khwao. Built in the 13th Century to serve as a hospital during the reign of King Chaivoraman VII, the laterite ruins was created in Bayon style in rectangular shape. With 8 metres high and 4 metres wide, the ruins houses two gods made from terra cotta, sitting legs crossed with conchs in hands. The ruin is situated in the embrace of laterite wall and it can be accessed via eastern gopura (gate) only. There is a small building located southeast of the wall. The eastern gate is the only real gate while other three are fake doors. Door frames and lintels made of sandstone. The site is already excavated and renovated by the Department of Fine Art.
How to get there: From Maha Sarakham city, sue Chaeng Sanit Road (highway 23: Maha Sarakham-Roi-Et), for 13 kilometres.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Ku Santarat
Located in Tambon Ku Santarat, the Khmer Ruins was built in Bayon style (1157 -1207 AD) during the reign of King Chaivoraman VII. Like Ku Mahathat at Ban Khwao, it is built from rectangular laterite blocks. Standing in the rectangular wall with a pool outside, the ruins has lintel and nicely carved door arch.
How to get there Use highway 2040, via Amphoe Kae Dam and Wapi Pathum, turn right into highway 2045 (head to Amphoe Na Dun) for a kilometre, the ruins will be on your right.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Phra Yuen Mongkhon Buddha

Housed at Wat Phuttha Mongkhon, Tambon Kanthanrat, the statue from Dvaravati is a sacred icon of Maha Sarakham. Like Phra Phuttha Ming Mueang, the stature is carved from red sandstone. Legend says people in Kanthaarawichai has built Buddha images to ask for regular rain after drought. The men has built Ming Mueang Buddha image while the women has built Phra Yuen Mongkhon Buddha Image. After the images were completed, big celebration was held and regular rain has greatly nourished this area.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Pottery Village
The villaged is situated in Tambon Khwao, 4 kilometres from Maha Sarakham city via highway 23 (Maha Sarakham-Roi Et). The villagers here inherited ancient method of pottery from their ancestor. From water pot and cooking pots, they have diversified their products into various designs to cope with modern living style.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Dun Lamphan No-hunting Area

Situated in Amphoe Na Chueak, 60 kilometres from Maha Sarakham City, the area features two forest types namely deciduous dipterocarp forest and peat swamp forest which is nourished by stream all the time in particular spots. The area is rich in endemic and rare species for both flora and fauna. The most famous endemic species found here is Mealy Crab Thaipotamon chulabhon Naiyanetr, 1993, or Pu Thunkramom (named by HRH Princess Chulabhorn). A bit bigger than ricefield crab, this kind of crab is quite colourful in purple, orange, yellow, and white. Now, this endemic crab is enlisted as protected animals. This No-hunting area is also good for bird watching and studying the ecological system. For more information, call 08-1817-9441, 08-1799-5795.
How to get there Dun Lamphan No-hunting Area is situated on highway 219 Borabue- Na Chueak-Phayakkhaphum Phisai .
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Phra That Na Dun: Buddhist Park of Isan
Located in Amphoe Na Dun, Phra That is in the area once was ancient town called Champasi. Lots of archeological artifacts, such as Buddha images and Buddha amulet, are found and now kept in Khon Kaen National Museum, Khon Kaen province. The most significant items found was the stupa housing relic of the Lord Buddha kept in gold, silver, and bronze boxes. All of such precious artifacts, probably from the 8th-10th Century in Dhavaravadi era, were found inside a mini-size stupa. Thus, the government decided to set up Phra That Na Dun on 365-acre area in 1982 to be Buddhist Centre of the region. With the height of 50 metres, Phra That or stupa which houses Lord Buddha’s relic has the shape of mini-stupa found. Around the stupa are museum exhibiting Champasi culture, antique, art pieces, and information of Champasi ancient town, park and herb garden.
How to get there From Maha Sarakham City, use highway 2040 via Amphoe Kae Dam and Wapi Pathum, turn right into highway 2045 to Amphoe Na Dun. Prathat is 65 kms from Maha Sarakham City
Friday, August 19, 2011
Mahasarakham University
The historical development of Mahasarakham University, or MSU, may be traced back to March 27, 1968, when it was originally established as the College of Education, Mahasarakham, for the purpose of extending higher education to the nation’s Northeastern region. Situated in an outer area north of Maha Sarakham, a small town right at the center of the region, the college functioned to produce quality teachers to serve educational institutions of all levels. The college’s status was later elevated when it became a regional campus of Srinakharinwirot University in 1974. At that time there were four faculties: Education, Humanities, Social Sciences and Science. The university finally gained independent status and became Mahasarakham University, Thailand’s 22nd government university, on December 9, 1994, when the University Act was graciously authorized by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej and published in the Royal Gazette.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Maha Sarakham
Maha Sarakham is the capital city of Maha Sarakham Province in Thailand's Northeastern (Isan) region. Sarakham, as it is known to its inhabitants, is located in a rice-growing area on the southern Korat plain, straddling the Chi River.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge across the Hueang River
is situated at Ban Na Kraseng. It is a bridge crossing the Hueang River and connecting between Thailand and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. From this bridge, visitors can pass through Chaiya Buri to the World Heritage Town of Luang Phrabang, a distance of 363 kilometres. Otherwise, visitors can cross the bridge to travel and purchase duty-free products at the shops on the Lao PDR side. To get there: Take the Loei – Tha Li route, a distance of 47 kilometres. At the centre of the district, turn right for approximately 2 kilometres to Phrathat Satcha and turn right for approximately 7 kilometres.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Her Majesty Queen Sirikit
Nangchao Sirikit Phra Boromahajininat (Her Majesty Queen Sirikit). Like His Majesty the King,Queen Sirikit is immensely respected and deeplyloved by the people of Thailand. Her Birthday,
like the King’s, is a national holiday, and isofficially called Mothers Day. Her Majesty QueenSirikit was born on August 12th, 1932. She was the first daughter of Colonel Mom Chao
Nakkhatra Mangkala Kitiyakara, a relative and close supporter of the Royal Family, and of her mother Mom Luang Bua Kitiyakara (nee Mo Luang Bua Snidwongse). Her Majesty was named Mom Rajawongse Sirikit Kitiyakara meaning “The Illustrious Member of Kitiyakara”.
This name was given by her relative, His Majesty King Prajadipok (Rama VII). Her grandfather was HRH Prince Kitiyakara Voralaksana, Prince of Chandaburi and son of King Rama V, and elder half-brother of HRH Prince Mahidol of Songkla, His Majesty the King Bhumibol’s father.Mom Rajawongse Sirikit’s father was a
member of the Thai Diplomatic Corps, and was successively Thai Ambassador to France,
Denmark and the United Kingdom; Mom Rajawongse Sirikit continued her education in
these countries and in Switzerland. While studying in Switzerland, Mom Rajawongse Sirikit
met His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who was also studying in Switzerland. King Bhumibol
was her first cousin, once removed. When the King was injured in a motor accident and was
hospitalized at Lausanne, Mom Rajawongse Sirikit, accompanied by her mother, was a frequent visitor. This she did on a regular basis and during the King’s recovery and convalescence the friendship blossomed into a
committed royal love affair. Read more on page 2 (COMSERV) projects to further the relationship
between the U.S. Navy and Thailand. Sailors had an opportunity to experience Thai culture
through numerous tours offered by the ship’s Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) programme. “It’s exciting to see how many sailors signed up to volunteer their free time ashore helping others,” said Cmdr. Brian Haley, a chaplain aboard George Washington. “You’d think with being at sea for so long, they’d want to
relax but they were actually more interested in helping people and making a difference.” Read more on Pattaya People
ยิ่งลักษณ์นำครม. เข้าเฝ้าถวายพระพรราชินี
นางสาวยิ่งลักษณ์ ชินวัตร นายกรัฐมนตรีนำคณะรัฐมนตรีผู้ บัญชาการเหล่าทัพ ข้าราชการ เอกอัครราชทูตลงนามถวายพระพร สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์พระบรมราชินีนาถ
นางสาวยิ่งลักษณ์ ชินวัตร นายกรัฐมนตรี นำคณะรัฐมนตรี ผู้บัญชาการเหล่าทัพ ข้าราชการ เอกอัครราชทูต เดินทางมายังพระตำหนักสวนจิตรลดาเพื่อลงนามถวายพระพร สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์พระบรมราชินีนาถ เนื่องในโอกาสมหามงคลเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษา 79 พรรษา 12 สิงหาคม 2554
ในการนี้สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าฯ พระบรมราชินีนาถ มีพระราชดำรัสตอบคณะบุคคลต่างๆ ที่เข้าเฝ้าฯถวายพระพรชัยมงคล ใจความตอนหนึ่งว่า
“ขอขอบคุณสำหรับคำอวยพร จากทุกภาคส่วน รู้สึกซาบซึ่งในน้ำใจไมตรีเป็นอย่างยิ่ง”
และทรงมีพระราชดำรัสถึงพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว ด้วยว่า พระองค์ทรงสบายขึ้นมากแล้ว แต่แพทย์ยังคงแนะนำให้ทำกายภาพบำบัด เพื่อให้แข็งแรงทรงงานได้เพิ่มขึ้น อีกทั้งยังทรงติดตามโครงการต่างๆ และทรงห่วงใยถึงสถานการณ์ฝนตกน้ำท่วม ได้พระราชทานสิ่งของไปช่วย รวมทั้งเชิญหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องมาประชุมหาแนวทางช่วยประชาชนอย่างเต็มที่
Friday, August 12, 2011
Chaopho Kut Pong Shrine and the City Pillar Shrine
located approximately 100 metres from the fountain roundabout next to the Kut Pong Public Park. It is an ancient shrine highly respected among the people. The city pillar shrine was constructed in 1982. The city pillar was made of the golden shower wood elaborately carved into a lotus shape at its top and gilded with gold leaf on black lacquer with a height of 139 centimetres.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wat Pho Chai Na Phueng
is situated at Ban Na Phueng, Tambon Na Phueng. The temple is assumed to have been constructed during the late period of the Ayutthaya Empire. Enshrined within the abbot’s cell is the Prachao Ong Saen Buddha image, an ancient image of the town for many generations. The image is sitting cross-legged with an oval face, a flame-like spire at the top of the image’s hair, and a cloth over the image’s shoulder made of gold, silver, and copper alloy. It is assumed to be the Chiang Saen style of art. Besides, within the compound of the Wihan or locally called Aram are mural paintings of the Buddha’s biography and local literature. The north side of the mural states that the paintings were made in 1852 during the reign of King Rama IV. At the outside of this same Ubosot are paintings which were later created in 1916. It can be considered as a very precious ancient monument and object of Loei province. The Fine Arts Department registered the temple as an important national ancient monument on 1 February, 1987. To get there Take the Loei – Dan Sai route for approximately 82 kilometres, turn right into Highway No. 2113 and go further along the Dan Sai – Na Haeo route for 23 kilometres.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Phi Ta Khon Museum
is situated within the compound of Wat Phon Chai, 82 kilometres from Amphoe Mueang. It is an educational attraction for those interested in the Bun Luang and Phi Ta Khon Festivals. The museum’s buildings are made of wood displaying the background of Dan Sai town, Phi Ta Khon exhibition, demonstration of Phi Ta Khon mask-making and various souvenirs. It is open daily from 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Besides, there are an Ubosot reflecting the skills of local craftsmen, as well as, a replica of Phrathat Si Song Rak where Bun Phra Wet and other merit-making festivals, including Bun Luaang Festival and Phi Ta Khon
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Phu Ruea High Altitude Agricultural Research Station
Phu Ruea District is an ideal location for growing exotic flora such as African violets, hydrangeas, petunias and phlox due to its cool and dry climate pattern which is hardly seen in any other northeastern province. The staff of the Research Station works with local farmers to promote new cash crops such as macadamia, strawberries, passion fruit, potted and table plants and cut flowers. In addition, the station is responsible for plant species research of species such as peaches, Chinese chestnuts, grapes, Chinese pears, macadamia nuts, strawberries, etc. The station also produces plant seeds, publicizes technology, and provides training for local farmers and concerned parties. The station is not merely a research center for educational purposes, but is also the hub for the exchange of technological knowledge and real-life experiences (local wisdom). Other responsibilities of the station include oversight of a wild-life sanctuary and welcoming visitors who come to appreciate the beauty of its ideal location and its activities. Tourist facilities include toilets, accommodations, food and beverages. Lectures complete with a demonstration of flower gardening and ornamental plant plantations are also provided. Advance booking is recommended (at least 3 weeks). Location: Tambon Pla Ba, Amphoe phu Ruea, Loei 42160, Tel. 042 – 891398, 891199 |
Friday, August 5, 2011
ชีวิตต้องสู้ (กำลังใจ)ตอนที่2
เพิ่มกำลังใจโดย สมณะเพาะพุทธ จนฺทเสฏฺโฐ (ท่านจันทร์)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Visas from US Consular Sections in Thailand and 171 Countries Cancelled
Pattaya Times - Effective August 15, 2011, most Americans will no longer be able to use the US Consular Sections in the country of residence for immigration matters, including Thailand. The US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) will require petitioners go directly to the USCIS in the United States to bring foreign family members with the US citizen moving back to the US. (form I-130,Petition for Alien Relative).